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Douglas Sanderson (Amo Binashii), member of the Opaskwayak Cree Nation, is an Associate Professor at the University of Toronto, Faculty of Law, where he is the Decanal Advisor on Indigenous issues. Prior to teaching in the law faculty, Sanderson served for four years as a senior policy advisor to the Attorney General of Ontario. His graduate work was at Columbia University, which he attended as a Fulbright Scholar.
Alejandro García Magos is a Senior Editor with Global Brief. He holds a PhD in political science from the University of Toronto. His research examines processes of democratization and authoritarian regression. He is the author of “López Obrador in Democratic Mexico,” featured in the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Latin American History.
Alejandro García Magos es doctor en ciencia política por la Universidad de Toronto. Su trabajo de investigación gira en torno a procesos de democratización y de regresión autoritaria. Es autor de “López Obrador in Democratic Mexico,” incluido en la Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Latin American History. Es además Editor Senior en Global Brief.
Niagalé Bagayoko est présidente de l’African Security Sector Network (ASSN). Spécialiste de la réforme des systèmes de sécurité en Afrique francophone, des politiques de sécurité internationales menées en Afrique subsaharienne, ainsi que des mécanismes africains de gestion des conflits, elle a dirigé le programme «maintien et consolidation de la paix» de l’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie après avoir a été chercheure à l’Institute of Development Studies de l’Université du Sussex (Royaume-Uni) et à l’Institut de recherche pour le développement (France), ainsi qu’enseignante en relations internationales à l’Institut d’études politiques (IEP) de Paris. Bagayoko est docteure en science politique, diplômée de l’IEP de Paris. Sa thèse a obtenu le premier prix de l’Institut des hautes études de défense nationale.
Frédérick Gagnon est titulaire de la Chaire Raoul-Dandurand en études stratégiques et diplomatiques et directeur de l’Observatoire sur les États-Unis au sein de cette même chaire. Professeur titulaire au département de science politique à l’Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), il a été chercheur ou professeur invité au Canada Institute du Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, au Center for American Politics and Citizenship de l’Université du Maryland, à la Western Washington University, à l’Université de New York à Plattsburgh, et à l’Université de Californie à Berkeley. Il a publié plusieurs ouvrages, dont Les sénateurs qui changent le monde, Le Congrès des États-Unis (dir.), Les États-Unis d’Amérique. Les institutions politiques (avec Claude Corbo) et Movies, Myth, and the National Security State (avec Dan O’Meara, Alex Macleod et David Grondin). Ses recherches ont été publiées dans des revues universitaires comme Foreign Policy Analysis, Études internationales, la Canadian Review of American Studies, la European Review of American Studies, Québec Studies et Politique américaine, et par des maisons d’édition comme CQ Press ainsi que Presses de Sciences Po.
Wenran Jiang is adjunct professor at the School of Public Policy and Global Affairs, University of British Columbia, a Global Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars in Washington DC, and Special Adviser on China to the Energy Council, an American and Canadian state and provincial legislators’ body coordinating energy policies. He is also the President of Canada-China Energy and Environment Forum, which has organized an annual Canada-China energy conference since 2004. Jiang was named by Alberta Venture magazine as one of the 50 most influential people in Alberta for 2014.
Jiang was a tenured professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Alberta, and was a special adviser to Alberta’s Department of Energy on Asian market diversification from 2012 to 2014. Jiang was the founding director of the University of Alberta’s China Institute.
Jiang has advised government agencies as well as private companies in the energy, mining, forestry and agricultural sectors on Asian market access and on how to engage China, with a particular focus on energy efficiency and environmentally friendly technologies. He is currently completing a book on why Canada needs to diversify its energy markets to Asia.
姜闻然博士于 2014年被《Alberta Venture》杂志推选为阿尔伯塔最具影响力的50位人物之一,自2004年起至今担任中加能源与环境论坛及其年会的总监。他还现任不列颠哥伦比亚大学亚洲研究所高级研究员及公共政策与全球事务学院客座教授,华盛顿伍德罗-威尔逊国际学者中心任全球研究员,及美加能源理事会的中国问题特聘顾问。
姜闻然博士1993-2017任加拿大阿尔伯塔大学政治经济学终身制职位。2012至2014年, 应邀担任阿尔伯塔能源部亚洲市场多元化特别顾问。2005至2008年,任阿尔伯塔大学中国学院奠基院长。2018年夏,应邀担任加拿大自然资源部长Jim Carr访华代表团顾问。目前担任阿拉斯加-中石化430亿美元LNG项目的参议院顾问。
Yauheni Preiherman is the Founder and Director of the Minsk Dialogue Council on International Relations. His principal research interests include the foreign policies of small states, international affairs in Eastern Europe, and Euro-Atlantic and Eurasian security.
Preiherman is a regular contributor to the Eurasia Daily Monitor and other Belarusian and international publications. He is a member of several professional and alumni networks, including the Younger Generation Leaders Network on Euro-Atlantic Security (YGLN), the Chevening alumni network, and the British International Studies Association (BISA). He is a board member of the Liberal Club, a discussion and analytical society based in Minsk.
Preiherman holds a BA in international relations from the Belarusian State University, an MA in European politics from Sussex University (UK), and is currently pursuing a PhD in politics and international studies at Warwick University (UK). His PhD thesis deals with the foreign policy strategies of small states.
Евгений Прейгерман является учредителем и директором Совета по международным отношениям «Минский диалог». Его основные исследовательские интересы касаются внешней политики малых стран, международных отношений в Восточной Европе, а также евро-атлантической и евразийской безопасности.
Он является регулярным автором Eurasia Daily Monitor, а также других белорусских и зарубежных изданий. Прейгерман является членом ряда профессиональных и образовательных ассоциаций, включая Сеть лидеров молодого поколения по евро-атлантической безопасности (YGLN), сеть выпускников программы Chevening и Британскую ассоциацию международных исследований (BISA). Он также является членом Совета ОО «Дискуссионно-аналитическое сообщество ‘Либеральный клуб’» (Минск).
Прейгерман окончил Белорусский государственный университет по специальности международные отношения. Он также получил степень магистра европейской политики в Университете Сассекса (Великобритания), а в настоящее время пишет докторскую (PhD) диссертацию в Университете Уорика (Великобритания). Его диссертация посвящена внешнеполитическим стратегиям малых стран в условиях геостратегических асимметрий.
Bilahari Kausikan is the former permanent secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Singapore, as well as ambassador-at-large. He is currently chairman of the Middle East Institute, an autonomous institute of the National University of Singapore. As one of Singapore’s leading diplomats and strategists, he served the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as deputy secretary for Southeast Asia, permanent representative to the UN in New York, and ambassador to the Russian Federation. He holds degrees from the National University of Singapore and Columbia University.
Zachary Paikin is Senior Editor of Global Brief Magazine.
He is an assistant lecturer in international relations at the University of Kent in Canterbury, UK. Paikin’s research has focussed on Russia-West and Russia-China relations and their impact on international order over the course of the post-Cold War period. He is a member of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung’s ‘Fresh Look on Eastern European Trends’ group, which brings young policy experts and scholars to Vienna twice annually for workshops designed to publish reports on European peace and security. He is also a visiting fellow at the Global Policy Institute in London, UK.
Paikin holds a Bachelor of Arts in Middle East Studies and Political Science from McGill University, and a Master of Global Affairs degree from the University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy.
Andrey Kortunov is Director General of the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC). He is a member of numerous expert and supervisory committees, as well as boards of trustees of Russian and international organizations. His areas of expertise include contemporary international relations, Russian foreign and domestic policy, and Russia-US relations. He has taught at universities around the world and, in the Soviet period, interned at the embassies of the USSR in London and Washington, as well as with the permanent delegation of the Soviet Union to the UN. Kortunov is a graduate of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) and the Institute for US and Canadian Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. He holds a PhD in history.
Андрей Кортунов является генеральным директором Российского совета по международным делам (РСМД). Он также входит в экспертные, наблюдательные и попечительские советы многих российских и международных общественных организаций, член редакционных советов нескольких академических журналов, имеет многочисленные публикации в России и за рубежом. Основные направления научной деятельности Кортунова – международные отношения, внешняя и внутренняя политика России и российско-американские отношения. Кортунов закончил МГИМО МИД СССР и аспирантуру Института США и Канады АН СССР. Защитив диссертацию, Кортунов работал в Институте США и Канады, в том числе директором Отдела внешней политики США и заместителем директора Института. Помимо ведения научной работы, он преподавал международные отношения в европейских и американских университетах, а также возглавлял ряд российских общественных организаций и фондов в сферах высшего образования, общественных наук и социального развития.
Barthélémy Courmont is a professor at the Catholic University in Lille, France, where he leads the Masters in International Relations programme. He is also senior research fellow at the French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs (IRIS), where he heads the Asia-Pacific research programme and is editor-in-chief of Asia Focus. Courmont has been a regular Geo-Blogger with Global Brief since 2009, and has published numerous monographs and edited volumes. His principal areas include East Asia, Europe, US foreign policy and contemporary security issues.
Barthélémy Courmont est maître de conférences à l’Université catholique de Lille, où il est responsable du Master Relations internationales. Il est également directeur de recherche à l’Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques (IRIS) où il est responsable du programme Asie-Pacifique et rédacteur en chef d’Asia Focus. Courmont est auteur de nombreux ouvrages et contributeur à Global Brief depuis 2009. Ses aires d’expertise couvrent l’Asie orientale, l’Europe, la politique étrangère américaine et les questions sécuritaires contemporaines.